Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

As part of my voluntary work with the Young German Physical Society (jDPG) in 2020 I joined the organizing committee (OC) of the international physics competition PLANCKS 2022.

PLANCKS is an annual event by the International Association of Physics Students (IAPS). In the 2022 edition, PLANCKS brings together the best 160 physics students from over 30 countries. The event is hosted by the German Physical Society (DPG) and is going to take place in Munich in May 2022 at LMU Munich.
Prominent scientists, such as Nobel laureate Prof. Reinhard Genzel, Prof. Ignacio Cirac as well as Prof. Harald Lesch as patron, will be present, together with a diverse supporting programme with laboratory tours, lectures and more.

In the PLANCKS 2022 organizing committee I am responsible for acquiring external funding partners, in particular to finance the IAPS evening programme, overseeing the PLANCKS 2022 budget and managing the OC’s finance team. Working together with the IAPS executive committee (EC), officials of the DPG and LMU, my fellow OC members and partners from academia and industry is exciting and motivates me to make PLANCKS an unforgettable event.

Check out the official PLANCKS 2022 trailer here (click on the image, external link to YouTube):

The official PLANCKS 2022 trailer

Interested in taking part in PLANCKS 2022? Sign up for a preliminary in your region!

Update July 2022: PLANCKS 2022 was incredible! Hosting so many like-minded physics students from all over the world in Munich, after the difficult time of the pandemic, was simply wonderful. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with such an amazing OC during the past 1.5 years and to learn so much for the financial specificities of organizing a large non-profit event like this.
Congratulations to the winning team “Dark Fermi Gang 2.0” from the NC Great Britain and Ireland!

You can find a summary of PLANCKS 2022 here.

Mario Gaimann
Mario Gaimann
Doctoral Researcher

My research interests include artificial intelligence, reservoir computing and dynamical systems.